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April 06, 2020


During the long quarantine, most of us are forced to work from home and most likely many will remain working from home after this is over. More attention will be placed on our work area and environment. Ask any of your friends and they will all tell you how much cleaning they have been doing during this time. Most have also been organizing, de-cluttering and trying to create more space in a friendly environment and also letting in as much fresh air and sunlight as possible. It is important for our wellbeing.

Home improvement projects are trending now. There are hundreds of self-help videos and instructions.

As Spring is just around the corner, there is no better time than now to Spring clean. Gather up items in your home that you have no use for, and sell or donate them. We are all realizing that we have too much “stuff” and clutter in our homes and lives. Now is a great time to simplify. As they say “Less is More”

Purchase items that will help you be more efficient and take away some of the added stresses when doing tasks. Be more thoughtful and less wasteful with your purchases. It is very rewarding finishing a project and having the satisfaction that you did it yourself.